Water FAQs
What is the most essential nutrient for a horse’s health?
How much of an adult horse’s body is made up of water?
What problems can arise for horses from dehydration?
Lethargy, colic, gut impaction, and impaired kidney function.
How much water does a horse need?
Anywhere from 6-24 gallons per day, depending on many factors including weather, workload, and lactation (for mares).
What does a standard water quality panel test?
A standard water quality panel test measures nitrate/nitrite, total dissolved solids (TDS), sulfates, and coliform bacteria.
What are nitrates/nitrites and why are they bad for horses?
Nitrate is a naturally occurring form of nitrogen found in fertilizers. Hindgut bacteria can convert nitrates to nitrite, a potentially toxic compound. Nitrites harm horse health because they can limit oxygen transport in blood by displacing oxygen on the hemoglobin molecule. Water with nitrate contamination can cause gastrointestinal distress (1).
What are total dissolved solids (TDS) and why are they bad for horses?
TDS, the main indicator of water quality, is the total concentration of all substances and contaminants present in a water sample. A high TDS concentration may or may not cause serious health risk but is considered a sign that additional testing is needed (2).
What are sulfates and why are they bad for horses?
Sulfates are sulfur-containing mineral salts that can be toxic for horses in high concentrations. Case studies have linked excessive sulfate levels to diarrhea outbreaks and sudden death (3).
What is coliform and why is it bad for horses?
Coliform bacteria includes total coliforms and fecal coliforms. Elevated coliform counts indicate the presence of contamination from animal or human waste, soil, or decaying vegetation. In water with high coliform bacteria, other disease-carrying viruses and bacteria may be present (2).
What does EWP do when they discover issues with water quality at a horse show?
EWP publishes all water quality findings on our website. In addition, when results are above recommended limits, we share the results directly with horse show management.
Can I request that EWP test the water at a specific horse show?
Yes! Please email us at info@equinewaterproject.org with questions, suggestions, and ideas.